
SocksFox Payment Methods

SocksFox has partnered with Shopify, PayPal, Google and Apple Pay to process your credit and debit card payments securely and safely. We accept many major debit and credit cards. We do not accept American Express payments.

Please note when using the secure PayPal payment gateway you can pay directly from your PayPal account or by using a credit / debit card. You do not need to have a PayPal account to be able to use a credit or debit card via the PayPal gateway.

We do not store your card information anywhere on our website.


We accept payments in many foreign currancies. All prices and orders are based on the Great British Pound (GBP / £). ed on the Great British Pound (GBP) amount.

Our website recognises where in the world you are and defaults to the local currency however, you can change the currency by clicking on Change Country/Region in the pop up when you first go onto the SocksFox site. If you have visited our site before it may be nesecarry to clear cookies/cache for the pop up to appear.